
DFS Lab and Stellar Development Foundation Launch Quarterly Blockchain Startup Bootcamp

DFS Lab, in collaboration with the (SDF), has unveiled the SCF Startup Camp—a global and virtual 5-day bootcamp designed to nurture blockchain startups. This initiative, part of the Fund, aims to foster innovation on the Stellar network and the platform, Stellar's new native smart contract platform.

Supporting Blockchain Innovation

The SCF Startup Camp will provide support and resources to up to 40 teams actively working on projects within the Stellar and Soroban ecosystems. Building on the success of previous iterations, this bootcamp offers a unique opportunity for developers and startups to validate their product ideas, create user-tested prototypes, and receive mentorship.

A Design Sprint Approach

Taking inspiration from Google Ventures' design sprint process, the bootcamp will guide participants through rapid idea validation and prototype development, ensuring that their concepts are user-vetted.

Inaugural Startup Camp

The first SCF Startup Camp is scheduled to take place in the second quarter of 2023, from April 17 to April 21. It will welcome participants from around the world via the SCF Discord platform, accommodating three major time zones. During the bootcamp, mentors from both organizations and the broader Stellar community will offer exclusive guidance and advice to participating teams.

Investor Demo Day and Prizes

Upon completing the inaugural bootcamp, a jury comprising members of and the Stellar Development Foundation will select approximately 10 finalists to participate in an Investor Demo Day on April 26. Here, investors, venture capitalists, accelerators, and incubators will engage with the finalists' pitches. The top three finalists, chosen by the jury, will be awarded a total of $30,000 worth of as prizes.

Continued Support

The support doesn't end there. All participants are encouraged to present their projects at the SCF Awards for a chance to receive XLM grants of up to $150,000 to further develop their recently created MVPs.

Fostering Innovation

Startup Camp SCF offers entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to swiftly validate and kickstart their ideas. Through this bootcamp, the organizers hope to catalyze the development of innovative projects, strengthen the Soroban ecosystem, and build an active community of entrepreneurs.

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