
You Don’t Need To Burn XRP For EVRS Airdrop: Evernode Founder Clarifies Process

XRPL EVRS Token Airdrop
XRPL EVRS Token Airdrop

founder, Scott Chamberlain, has provided clarity regarding the process, dispelling the misconception that XRP holders must burn their tokens to receive new EVRS tokens. This clarification follows discussions within the XRP community and aims to ensure a smooth and straightforward participation process in the upcoming airdrop event.

The EVRS Airdrop Clarification:

In response to ongoing debates among XRP holders, Chamberlain explained that eligible XRP holders do not need to engage in any token burning activities. Instead, those who clone their r-addresses on Xahau will automatically receive sufficient Xahau XRP to establish an account and set a trustline.

The discussion arose after an ambassador known as Daniel initiated a conversation on the matter. Daniel's post highlighted that many individuals expressing concerns about the B2M process might not possess the technical knowledge to execute it and yet hold strong opinions about it.

Tim Hoff, an independent XRP holder, further engaged in the conversation by pointing out that a B2M of five XRP should suffice for receiving the Evernode drop. However, he acknowledged that the process might not be as straightforward as it appears, and there may have been communication gaps in the rollout.

Chamberlain's clarification is designed to eliminate any uncertainties and misconceptions surrounding the airdrop process. He emphasized that eligible XRP holders do not need to take any action involving burning or transferring their digital assets to claim the airdropped EVRS tokens.

The Upcoming EVRS Airdrop:

Reports indicate that Evernode is planning to distribute a total of 5,160,960 EVRS tokens in the upcoming airdrop event. These tokens will be distributed to XRP holders who meet the eligibility criteria. By cloning their addresses on Xahau, these holders will automatically receive two Xahua XRP tokens, covering the account reserve and five ledger objects. One Xahua XRP token will be allocated for the account reserve, while the other will fund the ledger objects.

Chamberlain's proactive clarification aims to ensure a smooth and confusion-free airdrop experience for XRP holders.

Scott Chamberlain's clarification regarding the EVRS airdrop process brings clarity and reassurance to XRP holders. By dispelling the need for token burning, this information fosters a better understanding of the upcoming airdrop, making it more accessible and straightforward for eligible participants.

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