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Navigating the Betatester Airdrop Process: A Complete Guide

The Betatester Airdrop is an exciting event for those who have contributed to the development and testing phases of a new blockchain project. With a significant reward of 5,160,960 Evers to be distributed, this airdrop is an acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication of the community members.

Background: A Token of Gratitude

  • Purpose: To reward those who participated in the V2 and V3 testnets.
  • Mechanism: Distribution of Evers through an Airdrop Hook.
  • Eligibility Proof: Importing keys to r-addresses on testnets via XUMM.

Summary: Rewarding Dedication

  • Allocation: 1 share per registered host on V2 and V3, with additional shares for outstanding hosts.
  • Estimate: Each share could range between 12,000 to 14,000 Evers, depending on the number of registrants.

Detailed Steps to Claim the Airdrop

  1. Register Your Testnet r-address Before 11 December 2023:
    • Visit Evernode's claim page to register your testnet r-address.
    • This registration is crucial for determining participation and calculating the distribution of Evers.
  2. Registration Deadline – 6.00 PM, 11 December AEDT:
    • Registration closes a week before the scheduled launch to allow time for address collation and Airdrop Hook programming.
  3. Pre-Launch Preparations:
    • Import each testnet r-address onto Xahau and set a trustline for the Evers issuing address.
  4. Launch Date – 18 December:
    • Evers will be deposited into the Airdrop Hook on launch, ready for distribution to participating addresses.
  5. Post-Launch Actions:
    • Send a claim transaction from your registered r-address on Xahau to the Airdrop Hook.

Testnet Keys: Ensuring Access

  • Preservation of Keys: Participants are advised to have preserved their address/secret files from the V2 to V3 testnet transition.
  • Importance for Claiming: These keys are essential for importing accounts into XUMM for the airdrop claim.

XUMM Wallet: A Necessary Tool

  • XUMM Wallet Requirement: The airdrop process is tailored for the XUMM Wallet, which supports all functions necessary for the airdrop claim.
  • Advice for Other Wallet Users: Utilize the SetRegularKey function for compatibility with Xumm, enabling account import without exposing private master keys.

In conclusion, the Betatester Airdrop is a testament to the valuable contributions of the community in the development phases of the project. By following these steps, participants can ensure they receive their well-deserved Evers. The process underscores the importance of community engagement and the tangible rewards it can bring in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

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