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Evernode’s Unique XRP Holder Airdrop Process: A Guide for Participants

's upcoming airdrop for XRP holders is a groundbreaking event in the cryptocurrency world. Originally planned for the (), it has now shifted to Xahau due to the unavailability of Hooks on XRPL. This change introduces a unique set of complexities, as the airdrop involves gifting tokens on one chain based on holdings on another. Here's an SEO-optimized guide to help you navigate this process.

Background: The Shift from XRPL to Xahau

  • Initial Plan: Evernode intended to launch its airdrop on XRPL.
  • Change of Plan: The delay in the implementation of Hooks on XRPL led to the decision to launch on Xahau.
  • Complexity: This transition has introduced complexity in the airdrop process, necessitating reliance on the Xumm wallet, the only wallet confirmed to support all necessary functionalities.

Summary: The Airdrop Mechanics

  • Airdrop Hook: Evernode will utilize an Airdrop Hook to distribute 5,160,960 Evers.
  • Distribution Basis: The Evers will be airdropped to r-addresses on Xahau, proportionate to the qualifying XRP held in corresponding r-addresses on XRPL as of 1 September 2023.

Detailed Steps for Participants

  1. Register Your XRPL r-address Before 11 December 2023:
    • Visit Evernode's claim page to register your XRPL r-address.
    • This registration is crucial to determine the qualifying XRP held at the snapshot date.
  2. Registration Deadline – 6.00 PM, 11 December AEDT:
    • Registration closes a week before the scheduled launch, allowing Evernode time to prepare for the airdrop.
  3. Pre-Launch Preparations:
    • Participants need to import their r-address onto Xahau and set a trustline for the Evers issuing address.
  4. Launch Date – 18 December:
    • On launch, Evers will be deposited into the Airdrop Hook.
    • Participants can then claim their Evers from the Hook.
  5. Post-Launch Actions:
    • Send a claim transaction from your registered r-address on Xahau to the Airdrop Hook to receive your Evers.

Special Note for Exchange Customers

  • Bitrue and Uphold Users: Customers of these exchanges will receive their Evers through a separate process managed by the exchanges.

Importance of XUMM Wallet

  • XUMM Wallet Requirement: The airdrop process is designed assuming participants use the XUMM Wallet due to its comprehensive support for necessary functions.
  • Advice for Other Wallet Users: Users of other wallets are advised to use the SetRegularKey function for compatibility with Xumm.

Handling Multiple Accounts

  • Separate Registrations Required: Each XRPL account must be registered separately in the airdrop process.

In conclusion, Evernode's airdrop presents a unique opportunity for XRP holders to be part of an innovative token distribution. By following these detailed steps and guidelines, participants can smoothly navigate the process and claim their rightful share of Evers. Stay updated and ensure your

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